Sunburst rocked.


(Image from fromkapotokapo®’s photostream)

Me: Dude, what the fuck is that?

Irwan: It’s called a tuba, man.

Me: Wow.

Yeah, The Roots was awesome. And Incubus was awesome, too. I can’t describe how awesome the band was or why I almost fainted during Mike Einziger‘s numerous guitar solos (yes, that’s him pictured above). It’s just one of those things where you had to be there, understand?




Filed under Cool, Events, Life, Music

2 responses to “Sunburst rocked.

  1. Did you notice that Mike played a little differently that night? I found out he was actually recovering from a surgery hence he had to adjust his style in the period of recovery. But he still wicked!

  2. P.S. Bad grammar was intentional.

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